Writhendowns: Hope Alight

When lit, the Watch-fires of the Writhendowns fill the people of Wildermore with hope.

'The Watch-fires of the Writhendowns have gone dark, and even though Núrzum has fallen, the people in Forlaw still fear that he will return. The fires give them hope; the darkness fills them with doubt.

'Will you ride out and light the Watch-fires? You can find them in high places along the edge of the water.'

Watch-fires can be found along the higher cliffs nearest the lake's edge in the south-western Writhendowns.

You should light Watch-fires to let the watchmen of Forlaw know that the Writhendowns has not entirely fallen under enemy sway.

  • Light Watch-fires (0/3)

Ealswith is in Forlaw.

You should return to Ealswith.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449363


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

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