Whitshaws: Cruelty Towards Beasts

Orcs have laid traps throughout the Whitshaws to ensnare the beasts that roam upon those icy plains.

'I've heard from many folk that there are deadly traps sprung up all over the icy plains of the Whitshaws. The Orcs are surely hoping to ensnare the beasts that roam there, our own game! They have taken enough from us; I do not wish for our people to starve because the Orcs steal our beasts as well.

'If you would be so kind as to destroy those traps, the people of Wildermore would be in your debt.'

Traps can be found on the icy plains of the central Whitshaws.

You should destroy the traps laid by the Orcs.

  • Destroy traps (0/8)

Ealswith is in Forlaw.

You should return to Ealswith.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449363


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28800 legendary xp icon
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14500 mount xp icon

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