A Strange Trail

You and Cyneberg have decided that it's time to leave Grimnesberg and head back to Forlaw in defeat.

You gently tell Cyneberg that it would be best to leave, and head back to Forlaw.

'You are right. How will we tell Gárwig that there is no hope for Wildermore, ${PLAYER}?

'I do not want to face him after I behaved so foolishly. I was so full of hope! That is done now.'

Cyneberg has given you a whistle to summon her.

You should summon Cyneberg to your side.

  • Summon Cyneberg to your side

The best path can be found south-west of Grimnesberg's crest. Cyneberg can be summoned using the whistle should you become separated.

You should head south-west with Cyneberg to begin your return to Forlaw, and speak with her when she is ready.

  • You should speak with Cyneberg at an ideal resting spot

Another pile of Orcs can be found north-west of the first in the eastern High Knolls.

You should investigate the Orcs with Cyneberg.

  • Investigate the Orc-corpses to the north-west

Another pile of Orcs can be found north of the first in the eastern High Knolls.

You should investigate the Orcs with Cyneberg.

  • Investigate the Orc-corpses to the north

Another pile of Orcs can be found north of the first in the eastern High Knolls.

You should investigate the Orcs with Cyneberg.

  • Another pile of Orcs can be found north of the first in the eastern High Knolls. You should investigate the Orcs with Cyneberg.

Cyneberg kneels at a pile of slain Orcs in the northern High Knolls.

You should speak with Cyneberg.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
24100 mount xp icon
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