Isolation Amongst Survivors

Ránmald has been cast out by her fellow survivors, and is alone with her husband and father-in-law dead. To be pregnant, alone, and out in the cold wild with no support will be a death sentence for her.

'I...I suppose you must leave to find the others, then. I had hoped that you would be able to see us to safety again, ${PLAYER}.'

You think upon Ránmald's difficult situation. She cannot travel far while pregnant, and the other women do not seem able or willing to care for her in her time of need. must see to the others who fled the massacre at Byre Tor. They may be much in need as well. What is to be done?

The surviving refugees are in their cave north of Byre Tor.

You should speak to the refugees about the situation at hand.


Ránmald is in the cave amongst the other women of Byre Tor, who have promised to treat her more kindly.

You should speak with Ránmald.


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28800 legendary xp icon
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24100 mount xp icon

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