Starving in the Snow

The snowcats in the western High Knolls have become extremely aggressive.

You ask the man if he needs any assistance, since you are passing through.

'No thank ye...I keep to meself up here, and I like it that way. But if ya want to know what's amiss up on this tor, the wildcats are more vicious than usual.

'Ye might want to look into the matter, if ye have time. Oh...and watch out for them crows. They're new.'

Goats can be found in the hills of the western High Knolls.

You should examine the goats.

  • Examine goats (0/6)

You have examined many starved goats in the western hills of the High Knolls. The signs of an epic struggle to survive are apparent all over Wildermore.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335


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