After all that has come to pass since setting foot in Wildermore, you find that it is rather a lot to bear. Some time to clear your head will be helpful.
'You have done enough for now, ${PLAYER}. Please, rest. Take some time to yourself. We will bury the Thane, and begin to pick up the pieces.
'It is our turn to bear the burden of what befalls our lands. Go! Come back when you are rested.'
A good resting spot might be north behind the mountain cave, away from Byre Tor.
You should head north to the other side of the mountain and find a spot to rest.
A good spot to stand and look beckons to you in the northern High Knolls.
You should stand at the cliff's edge and look, and think on all the people who have been lost.
Memories of the dead come unbidden to your mind....
The voices you heard came from below your thinking spot in the northern High Knolls.
You should climb down and see if you can find the women you heard.
Ránmald can be found in the cave north of Byre Tor.
You should return to Ránmald.