No Proper Grave

Many dead men from Byre Tor lay strewn about the town, unburied, defiled by the Orcs even in death.

Many dead men from Byre Tor lie strewn about the town, unburied, defiled by the Orcs even in death.

These men are not trophies of Orcs, but brave villagers who fought to save their town. They should be given a proper respite in death.

Dead men lay strewn about the town of Byre Tor.

You should put the dead men to rest, for they should not be left out as trophies of the Orcs.

  • Tend to the corpses of Byre Tor's men (0/8)

You have put many of the former inhabitants of Byre Tor to rest.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
24100 mount xp icon

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