Conquerers From Isengard

The forces of Isengard have invaded Byre Tor, settling in as the new masters of this Rohirrim town.

You should defeat the cruel new masters of Byre Tor, to avenge the people of Wildermore who lost their homes.

The forces of Isengard have invaded Byre Tor, settling in as the new masters of this Rohirrim town.

You should defeat the cruel new masters of Byre Tor, to avenge the people of Wildermore who lost their homes.

The forces of Isengard can be found throughout Byre Tor in the High Knolls.

You should defeat the cruel new masters of Byre Tor.

  • Defeat White Hand enemies in Byre Tor (0/8)

You have defeated many foes in Byre Tor to avenge the villagers who lost their homes and their lives.


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0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
24100 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Defeat White Hand enemies in Byre Tor (0/8)
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