The Untended Wood

Tithenolf wants you to discover what is causing the Wood-trolls and Huorns of the Balewood to become so aggressive.

'The not itself, friend. When Barallas and I awoke from our sleep, we did so in darkness. And...we awoke into violence. Hoom. Such happenings are troubling, and I fear that Finglas cannot wake to aid us, for he had been becoming more and more tree-ish, so to speak, before our sleeping.

'The Wood-trolls harry us wherever our limbs carry us in this gloom and the Huorns... they are unruly without Finglas's tending. They may be beyond saving, though I do not wish to believe it so...'

'Hoom. The Wood-trolls must have been affected by Núrzum's passing. I can only wonder what wounds he inflicted upon them to make them far more hostile than they already had been to my kind.'

Tithenolf heaves a heavy sigh.

'Seek out the Wood-trolls, and for the good of this forest, please return them to the earth. However, I would ask that you examine their remains and perhaps then we can discover what has driven them to madness.'

Wood-trolls and Huorns can be found to the south, east, and west of Stonecliff.

Tithenolf wants you to defeat corrupted Wood-trolls and Huorns of the Balewood and examine their remains in hopes of understanding what has driven them to such aggression.

  • Examine remains of Baleful Wood-trolls (0/8)

Tithenolf can be found in northern Balewood at Stonecliff near the path to the Limlight Gorge.

You should return to Tithenolf with news of the unnatural chill surrounding the Wood-trolls and Huorns of the Balewood.

  • Talk to Tithenolf
  • Tithenolf can be found in northern Balewood at Stonecliff near the path to the Limlight Gorge. You should return to Tithenolf with news of the unnatural chill surrounding the Wood-trolls and Huorns of the Balewood.

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