Hiding in the Wilds

Barallas wants you seek out other Ents that fled into the darkness of the Balewood and send them to rally at his side.

'Hoom. Hom. I slept long before this winter, little one.

'This wood has become so baleful, so hostile to my kind...when first I began to sleep, many Ents wandered this wood, but...the monster pulled me from my slumber.

'Hoom. Many of us are lost, slain by the forces that defile our forest. Others may have found refuge...or they may have not.

'Hom, I am too large to seek out the others without being discovered by my foes, but you...you can move through the forest much more freely. If you can, little one, seek out my kindred in the darkness. Perhaps some have returned to the Enting Hollow since winter's fall.

Barallas has sent you deep into the Balewood in search of his lost fellows. He hopes to reunite with the other Ents that survived Nurzum's assault.


Barallas can be found at Stonecliff in northern Balewood.

You have rallied the other Ents and should return to Barallas.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

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