What Waits at Byre Tor

Gárwig wants you to put aside your search for Saruman's vile stone, and look instead to the people of Byre Tor.

'Our quest for more knowledge of the stone and of Núrzum must wait.

'You must go to Byre Tor in Cyneberg's stead, for I worry for the people there. Their city is a bit wild, and the folk there are not friendly to strangers. They are savage even compared to us here.

'Be careful out there, ${PLAYER}. The High Knolls are dangerous even in the best of times, and I could not bear to lose you too!'

Byre Tor can be reached by following the road from Forlaw all the way north through the Whitshaws, up into the craggy High Knolls.

You should ride north to Byre Tor by way of the road.

  • Take the north road through the Whitshaws towards Byre Tor

The banners of Byre Tor can be found along the road leading north into the High Knolls from the Whitshaws.

You should approach the banners.

  • Continue up the road

Defiled banners lie along the road to Byre Tor in the south-western High Knolls.

You should destroy the defiled banners set by the Orcs.


Byre Tor lies up the road in the southern High Knolls.

You should go to Byre Tor and see what damage the enemy has done there.

  • Enter the village of Byre Tor

You should complete a thorough search of Byre Tor.

NOTE: To do this, you must accept the remotely bestowed quest.


Small gusts of frosty air have appeared in Byre Tor.

You should examine the little bursts of cold.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335


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17300 xp icon
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28800 legendary xp icon
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24100 mount xp icon

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