Freeze or Burn

The Orcs in the Balewood are struggling against Wood-trolls and against the supernatural cold and snow, just as the refugees from Byre Tor.

'Húna tells me that you scouted the Orcs' trail and came across their carts entrenched in snow drifts along the road. I suppose those monsters are having just as lovely a time as we are....

'Do not confuse my amusement with sympathy, ${PLAYER}. The Orcs deserve any trouble that visits them here as nothing will be enough to avenge Byre Tor and the people that we have lost to them and the giant.

'Now then, about those carts. The Orcs are already slowed, but you are a hearty ${CLASS}, are you not? If you can get close enough, set their carts ablaze! That should bring them to an utter halt.'

Orc-carts can be found along the Orc roadway through central Balewood.

Léodwald wants you to burn Orc-carts that have become stuck along the Orc roadway in an attempt to further starve the White Hand forces in the Balewood.

  • Burn Orc-carts along the roadway (0/6)

Léodwald can be found in the hidden cave with the other refugees in southern Balewood.

You have burned a significant number of carts along the Orc-roadway. You should return to Léodwald and inform him of your success.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
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17300 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

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