A Time to be Alone

Cyneberg is devastated by the attacks on Scylfig and Forlaw, and will need some time to herself after such events. However, there is a lingering mess left at the west gate which does not sit well with her.

'Not long ago, Núrzum attacked Forlaw with an army of White Hand Orcs. The town was spared, but many good men of Forlaw were lost. The few men here are focused on town security, and have not been able to clean up or repair the area since. They have only managed to bury our own. Many Orc bodies still lie in the snow at the western gate.

'Please take this torch and burn the Orc bodies left at the site of the battle. Their presence defiles the land they lie on.'

The western gate of Forlaw is the site of the Battle at Forlaw's Gate.

Many bodies of dead Orcs can still be found there, as not many men remain in Forlaw for tasks beyond the security of the city.

  • Burn Orc bodies (0/6)

Cyneberg is awaiting your return in Thrymm's Home, near the southern gate of Forlaw.


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