The Widow of Gárferth

One of the three widows is Ebba. She is reeling from the death of her husband, Gárferth, who fell in the Battle at Forlaw's Gate. Her kindness is unwavering as she cares for the orphans, Ansith and Cuthmar, as if they were her own children.

'Ebba cares for the orphans, but has no children of her own. Now, with Gárferth's death, she will find it hard to not feel alone. Please check on Ebba.'

Ebba is inside Gárferth's house, near the centre of Forlaw. Ebba and Ansith are preparing dinner after the long day.


Edsig's helmet is kept on a shelf in the main room of Gárferth's home.

  • Take Edsig's helmet

The path to the graveyard of Forlaw is just outside Forlaw's southern gate.

  • Place Edsig's helmet at Gárferth's grave

Respects have been paid to Gárferth.


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Map width ID 268449335


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17300 xp icon
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28800 legendary xp icon
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24100 mount xp icon

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