The Widow of Gársig

One of the three widows is Burghild. She and her youngest son Gárwald were devastated by losing three of their family in the Battle at Scylfig.

'Burghild was especially hard hit by recent events. She lost her husband and two sons in a matter of days! There is not much one can do for someone in her state, but nevertheless, please see if she needs anything.'

Burghild is inside Gársig's house on the western side of Forlaw. Burghild is doing anything she can to keep herself from falling apart entirely, as she must keep it together for her only remaining son.


Gársig's sword is kept on the dresser in the sleeping quarters of Gársig's Home.

  • Take Gársig's sword

The path to the graveyard of Forlaw is just outside Forlaw's southern gate.

  • Place Gársig's sword at his grave

Respects have been paid to Gársig.


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Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449335


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
24100 mount xp icon

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