Keeping the Orphans Busy

The two orphans of Gárwig's kin, sired by Cuthbald and Merwyn, are now cared for by Ebba. After the recent events and the funeral, they need not dwell on such times as the adults will, and are being kept busy with chores.

'After the funeral today, most of Gárwig's family will have a hard time getting back to the way things were, though for some that may take a long time. Please check on the orphans; Ansith and Cuthmar. They are cared for by Ebba and can usually be found in Gárferth's house.'

Ansith is inside Gárferth's house, near the centre of Forlaw. Ansith and Ebba are preparing dinner after the long day.


Snow piles on the western side of Forlaw are building up.

Most of the residents cannot remember the snow in Forlaw ever being quite this bad.

  • Remove snow piles (0/6)

Cuthmar can be found on the western side of Forlaw busy with his chores.


Fence posts can be found scattered around the western side of Forlaw.

  • Pick up fence posts (0/6)

Cuthmar can be found on the western side of Forlaw busy with his chores.


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Map width ID 268449335
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268449363


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28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
24100 mount xp icon

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