Desperate Refuge

Fearing the worst for the other refugees of Byre Tor, TBD wishes you to travel to a Rohirrim outpost at the southern border of Balewood in hopes of finding those that fled into the dark, frozen forest.

'It is time we attend to another pressing matter, ${PLAYER}. Before you arrived, several of my people fled Byre Tor into the dark eaves of Fangorn. I would have pursued them but the wood is deep and dangerous, and I know not the way through those twisted branches. That weald has come to be known as Balewood and is a haven for none, especially those left defenceless after Núrzum ravaged our lands. I only hope they travelled elsewhere as they fled, for settling in such a place would not bode well.
'To the south-west of here, near the southern border of Balewood in Whitshaws, there may still remain a small camp of Rohirrim who kept watch on the Orcs passing into our lands. Should you find them, search for my people among their number - I can only hope that not all were lost in the dark.'

TBD has told you to seek out a small Rohirrim outpost to the south-west of High Knolls, near the southern border of Balewood.

  • Search for the Rohirrim outpost outside southern Balewood

Having found the camp, you should now speak to the captain of the Rohirrim stationed here and discover if he knows anything of the whereabouts of the refugees of Byre Tor.


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0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
17300 legendary xp icon

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  • Search for the Rohirrim outpost outside southern Balewood
  • Talk to Cerdic
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