The Search of Gársig's Farm

Gársig's Farm is in a remote location of the Fallows, and was recently abandoned. Siric made his way to Thrymm's Farm, where those escaping the outlying farms were supposed to escape to. But his friend Manléof, a fellow farmer, has not yet arrived.

'I barely made it here from Gársig's Farm! Warg-riders came out of nowhere... Manléof and I split up trying to escape. He should have made it here by now.

'Those Warg-riders got my leg while I was escaping, and had to limp my way here. I can't make it back there with my leg like this. I beg you, mighty ${CLASS}, please look for him?'

Gársig's Farm is on the far eastern side of the Fallows, near the Wold.

  • Find Manléof at Gársig's Farm

Manléof, who was left behind at Gársig's Farm, is in very poor condition. He isn't likely to live much longer.


Manléof didn't survive the encounter with Warg-riders at Gársig's Farm. You should let Siric know what has happened, and he is awaiting your return at Thrymm's Farm.


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Map width ID 268449335


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
24100 mount xp icon
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