Destination: Angmar

A Ranger hiding in the north among a band of Hillmen who have thrown free the yoke of Angmar is in need of help beyond the Ram Dúath.

In the north, through the Ram Dúath, there is an encampment of Hillmen who have been free of Angmar's sway for years. The Ranger Corunir is at Aughaire, the village on the northern edge of the Ram Dúath, awaiting your aid.

Aughaire is an encampment of Hillmen, north through the Ram Dúath into Angmar.

The Ranger Corunir and his Hillman allies require aid to stand against the oppressive Angmarim.

  • Travel to Aughaire in Angmar

Aughaire is an encampment of Hillmen, north through the Ram Dúath into Angmar.

The Ranger Corunir and his Hillman allies require aid to stand against the oppressive Angmarim.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437615


This quests offers no rewards

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