A Faint Glimmer of Hope

Feggi recommended that you travel to Durin's Court in an attempt to warn Gúthi and his dwarves of the Ghâsh-hai threat, hopefully before they march into a stronghold teeming with Orcs.

'Gúthi and his dwarves made for Durin's Court to take the stronghold at Hurmulkezer, but now I fear for them. It may not be too late to warn them of the Ghâsh-hai threat.

'Along the way to Durin's Court, you will find several unlit braziers. They should be lit as a warning to the dwarves of the fire-wielding Orcs that menace these halls.

'Durin's Court can be found south-east of Ânghumu-ru. Have a safe journey, brave ${CLASS}!'

Gúthi can be found in Durin's Court, east from Feggi's camp in Ânghumu-ru, and then south through Hadâd-mezer. Unlit braziers can be found along the way.

You should make your way across the Flaming Deeps to Gúthi, lighting the braziers along the way.

  • Discover Durin's Court
  • Light braziers as you make your way to Durin's Court (0/6)

Gúthi can be found in Durin's Court in the south-eastern Flaming Deeps.

You should speak with Gúthi.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442342


0 gold coin 27 silver coin 30 copper coin
10200 xp icon
Legendary XP:
7280 legendary xp icon

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