Bearer of Bad News

You found a half-written scroll intended to be delivered to Anazârmekhem clutched in the hand of a slain dwarf. It would be wise to deliver this message yourself to warn the others of the formidable Ghâsh-hai.

You found a half-written scroll intended to be delivered to Anazârmekhem clutched in the hand of a slain dwarf. It would be wise to deliver this message yourself to warn the others of the formidable Ghâsh-hai.

Anazârmekhem can be found north of Hadâd-mezer.

Anazârmekhem can be found north of Hadâd-mezer in the Flaming Deeps.

You should deliver the slain dwarf's message warning of the formidable Ghâsh-hai to Anazârmekhem.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442342


0 gold coin 27 silver coin 30 copper coin
7280 xp icon
Legendary XP:
7280 legendary xp icon

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