Shadow Over Hope

Upon arriving at Hadâd-mezer, you see that the Orcs have a strong grasp on this area, making it difficult to get in or out.

Upon arriving at Hadâd-mezer, you see that the Orcs have a strong grasp on this area, making it difficult to get in or out.

The Orc-forces are strong, and their numbers must be thinned.

Hadâd-mezer is located to the south-east of Anazârmekhem of Flaming Deeps.

You should defeat Orcs in Hadâd-mezer.

  • Defeat Ghâsh-hai Orcs at Hadâd-mezer

Hadâd-mezer is located to the south-east of Anazârmekhem of Flaming Deeps.

You should defeat Orcs in Hadâd-mezer.

  • Defeat Orcs at Hadâd-mezer (0/8)

You have successfully thinned the number of Orcs in Hadâd-mezer, making it much easier for dwarves of Anazârmekhem to get in and out of this area.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442342


0 gold coin 27 silver coin 30 copper coin
10200 xp icon
Legendary XP:
7280 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Defeat Ghâsh-hai Orcs at Hadâd-mezer
  • Defeat Orcs at Hadâd-mezer (0/8)
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