Destination: North Downs

The people of Trestlebridge need help, north of Bree-land along the Greenway.

The town of Trestlebridge is in a terrible state. They are besieged by Orcs at their northern and southern borders and are sending out general calls to any that they feel may be able to assist them.

Trestlebridge can be found north of Bree along the Greenway. You should make your way there and speak with the folk who make the beleaguered town their home.

  • Travel to the Trestlebridge in the North Downs

Trestlebridge can be found north of Bree along the Greenway. You should make your way there and speak with the folk who make the beleaguered town their home.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437634


This quests offers no rewards

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