Riding Down Boars

The boars outside of Harwick have become a nuisance, ruining the soil and posing a threat to any who attempt to ride over that stretch of land.

'I see that you have acquired one of the War-steeds of the Rohirrim, stranger. How would you like to test your steed's mettle by riding down some boar that have been rooting up the plains outside of Harwick?

'Those filthy beasts are a menace to all riders who pass that way. They trouble the horses and harm the lands.'

Boars can be found on the outskirts of Harwick, not far north from Feldburg.

You should ride down the boars with your new war-steed.


You have defeated a number of boars on the plains outside of Harwick.


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0 gold coin 33 silver coin 95 copper coin
18600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
18600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
15500 mount xp icon

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