
Dressage is the art of rider and horse becoming one and going through a series of choreographed manoeuvres.

'Dressage has been around almost as long as we have ridden horses. Any warrior can mount a horse and charge headlong into battle, but only someone truly joined with his steed can carefully balance a series of moves as if they were dancing.

'One of our greatest riders is in a field here in Cliving practising his basic manoeuvres. He is preparing for any order or combination the judges may throw at him.

'The basic moves include calling for a charge, cheering, drinking, flexing, and laughing. When he begins his course, watch for the move he does and perform it with him. Be quick about it too...lagging behind is not tolerated.'

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

  • Wait for the next round of dressage to begin

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

  • Wait for the next move

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

  • Wait for the next move

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

  • Wait for the next move

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

  • Wait for the next move

The dressage rider is in a field behind the fountain in Cliving.

Gladsnel has challenged you to perform a course of dressage practice.

Gladsnel is at Cliving.

Gladsnel will be surprised to hear that you passed the dressage practice.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448419


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Wait for the next round of dressage to begin
  • Wait for the next move
  • Wait for the next move
  • Wait for the next move
  • Wait for the next move
  • Talk to Gladsnel
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