The White Hand Reaches Far

The enemies in this part of the forest bear the mark of Saruman. You wish to expose the Wizard's fall to evil to anyone who will take notice, and thus collect tokens of proof as you slay his minions.

The enemies in this part of the forest bear the mark of Saruman. You wish to expose the Wizard's fall to evil to anyone who will take notice, and thus collect tokens of proof as you slay his minions.

The emblems and marks of Saruman are plain to see on all of his fell servants.

You should collect tokens of proof of the Wizard's betrayal while you rid the forest of his servants.


Symbols of the White Hand are on the Orcs and Uruks at the pond near Oldheart's meadow.

You should collect tokens of proof of the Wizard's betrayal while you rid the forest of his servants.

  • Collect proof of Saruman's folly (0/8)

Oldheart is in his meadow at the foot of a flower-spotted hill in Fangorn's western eaves.

You should bring the proof of Saruman's wrongdoing to Oldheart.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448410


0 gold coin 35 silver coin 95 copper coin
15700 xp icon
Legendary XP:
26200 legendary xp icon

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