Banners of the Enemy

South of Cliving, several shields have been placed on banners of the Enemy planted around former farmhouses.

'It saddens me to see what has become of the Norcrofts. The farms where we once proudly grew our food are now overrun by Orcs and foul creatures, yet we are told to stay within the gates of the city and to not engage them.

'The Enemy has placed shields on banners at four farms just to the south of here. While I cannot ask you to defeat the Orcs, we are not disallowed from defiling their flags. There is a rock south of Cliving. Just north of that rock, the four farms are spread out.

'Take this spear. When you get near the banner, ready it, then throw it with all of your might. Be warned: the faster you are moving, the more likely you are to miss the shield....but you must also be quick. The Orcs will replace the shields swiftly, and I wish them all to be ripped at once.'

The rock is south of Cliving.

Gladsnel asked you to throw a spear through several shields on Orc-banners planted at Norcrofts farms.

  • Enter the field

The four farms are spread out to the north, east, and west of the rock.

Gladsnel asked you to throw a spear through four shields on Orc-banners.

  • Hit the south banner's shield

Gladsnel is in Cliving.

Gladsnel will be pleased to hear that a spear was thrown through each of the four shields.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448419


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

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