Siege of Eaworth: Catapults

The uruks' catapults rain fire and destruction down upon the town of Eaworth.

'The uruks from the south are preparing to march upon this town once more. I can see the vile catapults rolling out of their encampment as we speak.

'This town cannot withstand much more punishment. Their siege-weapons must be dismantled, or we will not have a town left to defend.

'Join me on the battlefield, and we shall defend what is ours.'

Catapults can be found among the enemy forces at Eaworth.

The catapults being used by the uruks assaulting Eaworth must be destroyed if the town is to be secured.

  • Destroy catapults (0/4)

Dernstan is at Eaworth.

Dernstan will be pleased to hear that you have dismantled several catapults.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448413


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14500 mount xp icon

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