The Entwalk: Creatures of the Forest

The traps that the Orcs have laid throughout Fangorn are catching small squirrels and foxes.

'The Orcs are destroying not just the trees of Fangorn, but are also trapping and slaughtering the small animals and creatures who live within the eaves.

'They have laid traps all over the forest floor that are filled with squirrels and foxes waiting to be gathered up and cooked for dinner.

'Head into the Entwalk, destroy these traps, and free the animals who are held within.'

Traps can be found within the Entwalk.

The Orcs have laid traps throughout the forest to catch small squirrels and foxes.

  • Free critters from traps in the Entwalk (0/5)

Dernstan is at Eaworth.

Dernstan will be pleased to hear that many of the Orc-traps have been destroyed and several squirrels and foxes rescued.


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Map width ID 268448410
Latitude: 0
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Map width ID 268448413


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14500 mount xp icon

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