Plans of the Assault

With the Easterlings delayed, it is time to follow Thane Radwig and strike out against the Orcs encamped in the forest just outside of Floodwend's Walls.

'The Orcs of Nîn-stazg built siege-weapons too near the walls of Floodwend, and are likely formulating a plan of assault.

'Will you search the encampment below for anything that might tell us what the Orcs had in mind for Floodwend?'

Assault-plans can be found in the Orc-encampment of Nîn-stazg.

You should collect the Orcs' plans so that Floodwend may be prepared for an attack.

  • Collect Mordor Orc War-plans (0/3)

Thane Radwig is in the Mead Hall of Floodwend, preparing his town for an impending attack.

You should bring the war-plans you gathered to Radwig.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448407


0 gold coin 34 silver coin 30 copper coin
11700 xp icon
Legendary XP:
19500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
9790 mount xp icon

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