Black-hearted Trees

The trees in the Black Heart of Fangorn are evil to the core, coming after you without provocation, and with a worrisome bloodlust.

The trees in the Black Heart of Fangorn are evil to the core, coming after you without provocation, and with a worrisome bloodlust.

Corrupted Huorns can be found in the Black Heart of Fangorn.

You should defeat many corrupted Huorns in the darkest part of the forest.


Corrupted Huorns can be found in the Black Heart of Fangorn.

You should defeat many corrupted Huorns in the darkest part of the forest.


You have defeated many of the bloodthirsty Huorns of Greenroot's corrupted herd. The forest will not be so treacherous for the creatures who wind up lost in the Black Heart.


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0 gold coin 35 silver coin 95 copper coin
15700 xp icon
Legendary XP:
26200 legendary xp icon

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