Lords of the Siege

Easterling Overlords in the Woodyard near Jóshkhin Orda oversee the construction of fearsome siege-weapons.

Easterling Overlords in the Woodyard near Jóshkhin Orda oversee the construction of fearsome siege-weapons.

The Woodyard is on the eastern side of Jóshkhin Orda in the Wold, to the north of North-torr.

You should defeat the Easterling Overlords at the Woodyard.

  • Defeat the Easterling Overlords

The Woodyard is on the eastern side of Jóshkhin Orda in the Wold, to the north of North-torr.

You should defeat the Easterling Overlords at the Woodyard.


You have defeated those responsible for organizing this particular force of Easterling siege-craft intended for the attack on Floodwend.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448407


0 gold coin 34 silver coin 30 copper coin
11700 xp icon
Legendary XP:
19500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
9790 mount xp icon

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