Report to North-torr

Before you left Floodwend, Etta mentioned a report of Easterlings invading the Wold just north of the city. North-torr is all that stands in the way of this Easterling invasion reaching Floodwend and laying it to ruin.

'That is enough of that talk, Radwig! You mustn't wish for such things. The Mead Hall is safe for you, and here you may protect your people. You should not be anxious to throw your life away.

'The road has been eerily empty for some time, ${PLAYER}. Will you not go to North-torr, our nearest outpost, and see how they fare? It will be easier for my son to accept his role when you are not standing before him, perhaps.'

North-torr is a fort north of Floodwend, and is the last defence standing in the way of the Easterlings assaulting Floodwend directly.

You should find North-torr and speak with Guthferth, the sergeant of that outpost.


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Longitude: 0
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