Rest for the Unrest

Wódscrafen is full of dead who woke to walk the cold passages of the cave, stirred by some great evil there.

Wódscrafen is full of dead who woke to walk the cold passages of the cave, stirred by some great evil there.

Draug can be found in Wódscrafen in the southern Wold, north of Twickenburg.

You should defeat many draug in Wódscrafen.


The frightened soldier is outside of Wódscrafen.

You should return to the frightened soldier now that you have defeated many of the terrifying draugar in Wódscrafen.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448407


0 gold coin 34 silver coin 30 copper coin
9760 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11700 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
9790 mount xp icon

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