Book 9, Chapter 9: The Dividing Line

You have been ordered by Théoden King not to cross the Entwash under pain of death.

'I do not know what we can do, ${PLAYER}. Éomer is imprisoned, we cannot cross the Entwash, the people of the Sutcrofts are in grave danger from the fervour of their Reeve, and I... I thought Nona would have returned by now.'

Horn looks downcast.

'I am fortunate the King did not comment on my return from Stangard, or I would be in the dungeon alongside Éomer, or worse. We have failed in everything, ${PLAYER}. I swore to stand by you once I was cast from Stangard, but everything I have tried to do has ended in failure or disappointment. I am sorry.'

Hunbald stands at the Entwade crossing, in the Sutcrofts.

King Théoden has ordered you not to cross the Entwash under pain of death.


Corudan is at the Entwade crossing, in the Sutcrofts.


Horn is at the Entwade crossing.

Corudan has told you why he has hope for what tomorrow may bring, and has asked that you share his thoughts with Horn.


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