Book 9, Chapter 5: South to Snowbourn

The next leg of your journey with Éomer will take you to the town of Snowbourn, in the Sutcrofts.

'I am ready to continue our ride south to Snowbourn, if you are. I ordered Reeve Fastred to empty his lands, sending his people across the Entwash where they can be better-defended, but he is young and I fear foolish. I ride to see if he has obeyed my command.

'We will speak again in Snowbourn!'

Éomer will meet you in Snowbourn outside the Mead Hall.

You should ride south and speak again with Éomer in Snowbourn, in the Sutcrofts.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448941


0 gold coin 14 silver coin 44 copper coin
15700 xp icon
Legendary XP:
15700 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
13100 mount xp icon

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