The Garsfeld Guppy

The stream just north of Garsfeld is the breeding ground for a type of guppy unique to Rohan. The rib-bones of this fish are strong yet pliable, making for perfect needles for stitching wounds.

'While the Entwash has many fish, so do the streams that pour into it. Just north of Garsfeld is a small stream that comes up from undergound. In between the mouth and the first waterfall, a kind of guppy can be found.

'The Garsfeld guppy is unique because its bones are tough but pliable. There are no better needles for stitching and closing wounds. The fish is elusive though and rarely stays in the same location for very long.

'Head to the waters north of Garsfeld and catch several Garsfeld guppies, then bring them back here.'

The Fishing Hobby is required to complete this quest

Garsfeld guppies can be found in the river just north of Garsfeld. The fish is elusive though and rarely stays in the same location for very long.

Héalac asked you to catch several Garsfeld guppies.

  • Catch Garsfeld guppies (0/4)

Héalac is at Snowbourn.

Héalac will be eager to begin de-boning the Garsfeld guppies you caught.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448941


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

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