Quench the Flames

Easterlings plan to rain fire upon Wakenflood, igniting the tips of their arrow with a putrid liquid that ignites unquenchable flames. The wooden fortifications of Wakenflood will not hold against such an attack.

'There is a rumour that the Easterlings plan to rain fire upon Wakenflood, igniting the tips of their arrows with a putrid liquid that ignites unquenchable flames. The wooden fortifications of Wakenflood will not hold against such an attack. Should you see such a liquid while you are in their camp, destroy it, and you will save many lives.'

Barrels of fire-oil for lighting arrows can be found in the Easterling camp called Olghakhósh.

You should destroy barrels of fire-oil in Olghakhósh.

  • Destroy barrels of fire-oil (0/5)

Sergeant Hubyrt can be found in Wakenflood.

You should find Hubyrt and tell him of the barrels of fire-oil you destroyed at Olghakhósh.


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