Holding Back the Tide

Norbald has been able to hold and secure the perimeter at his location, but another band of enemy riders heads east towards Acdreda.

'Another group of enemy riders was seen on route to the eastern farms. Acdreda and some of the others had planned to defend the eastern crofters, and I would wager they are in need of your aid.

'We will secure this area for as long as we are able, you must see to it that Acdreda and his company do not fall to the Uruks at his location. Ride now, with haste!'

Acdreda defends the area directly east of Sahard's farmstead.

Norbald has spotted a band of Uruk riders moving towards Acdreda's position.


The Uruk-hai riders are east of Acdreda's position.

Acdreda requires aid in defending the eastern farms from the enemy riders.


Acdreda defends outside the eastern edge of Sahard's farm.

Acdreda awaits to hear of your confrontation with the Uruk-hai riders.


Elfmar musters the other riders at the Mead Hall of Faldham.

Acdreda hopes that Elfmar has rallied the remaining men for the main assault against Faldham.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448419


0 gold coin 35 silver coin 35 copper coin
13600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
22600 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
18900 mount xp icon

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