Riding Against Flies

An unpleasant buzzing noise has been disturbing the rest of the pampered war-steeds of Harwick.

'You are the stranger from Langhold, are you? A terrible shame about what happened to those poor folk. Harding has set them up outside of town in a little camp with some guards, but Cíllan wanted to tend her husband's steed.

'I see she gave the horse to you, though! The mounts of Rohan are magnificent, are they not? If you want to take him out for a ride, there are some treacherous marshes not far from here. All the horses would rest better, were you to kill off those noisy pests.'

The source of the buzzing noise is coming from somewhere in the bog west of Harwick.

  • Find the source of the buzzing noise

The guard of the stables waits by Harwick's horses for you to return.

You should tell the guard about the source of the buzzing.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448407
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268448916


0 gold coin 33 silver coin 95 copper coin
9290 xp icon
Legendary XP:
11200 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
9320 mount xp icon

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