Aiding the Eastemnet

There is much to do to aid the people of the Eastemnet.

'There is much to do to aid the people of the Eastemnet. Threats approach us from all sides, and those in power seem ignorant to the danger, or worse.

'Go out and aid the good people of these lands and they shall, in time, return your favours.'

People who need aid can be found primarily in Harwick, Cliving, Eaworth, and Snowbourn.

You have been asked to aid the people of the Eastemnet.

  • Complete quests aiding the Eastemnet (0/5)

Relevant zones


0 gold coin 36 silver coin 35 copper coin
17300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
28800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
14500 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Complete quests aiding the Eastemnet (0/5)
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