Ore Samples IV: The Old Silvertine City

You have mined for traces of mithril in every corner of the Silvertine Lodes but this one, so you had better give it one last try.

'We have searched for mithril all over the Silvertine Lodes by mining mineral deposits, and found not a trace.

'I noticed some deposits along the walls here. I am sure they will come up dry as well, so I dare not get my hopes up. But, we had best finish what you started and take a look, don't you think?

'Bring me the ore-samples you collect, and I will look it over.'

Ore deposits can be found along the rock-walls of the Old Silvertine City in the southern Silvertine Lodes.

You should collect ore from the mineral deposits along the walls.

  • Harvest ore from mineral deposits (0/8)

Öndótt is at the top of the stair in the Old Silvertine City.

You should bring the samples you gathered to Öndótt.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442345


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 55 copper coin
3380 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3380 legendary xp icon

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