Ore Samples I: The Deep Descent

The dwarves of the Silvertine Lodes mining expedition have a universal hunger for the discovery of mithril, or true-silver in the common tongue.

'You may wonder why we have come to this vast deep, ${PLAYER}, and scattered to the wind as we did.

'The Silvertine Lodes are famous for being the first and primary source of true-silver, or mithril as it is called by many. A large branch of miners have gathered for an expedition to search the Silvertine from head to toe, starting at the toes in its roots here.

'We have not had much chance to mine yet, as we are beset by dangers and missing dwarves and other mishaps. Would you care to do the honours of mining ore in the vicinity of the Deep Descent?'

Ore veins can be found in the vicinity of the Deep Descent camp, and down into the passage reaching towards the Silvertine mines.

You should mine small ore veins in search for traces of mithril.

  • Harvest ore-samples near the Deep Descent camp (0/8)

Styrr is at the Deep Descent camp in the Silvertine Lodes.

You should bring the ore you collected to Styrr in the Deep Descent.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442345


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 55 copper coin
3380 xp icon
Legendary XP:
3380 legendary xp icon

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