Untold Legends

Listein has asked you to recover a relic of ages past, in nearby Uflûmp-mur.

'We must keep safe the artifacts of ages past, ${PLAYER}. Studying these relics gives insight to the untold legends of our forefathers, which might otherwise become lost.

'I have information that one such object, a mythical shield, was last seen in Uflûmp-mur, just a short distance east of The Door to the Clouds. The goblins would have a difficult time destroying such a sturdy shield, so I am hopeful it may still be found there.'

Uflûmp-mur can be found at the small outpost found at the entrance to Zirakzigil in Durin's Way.

Listein has asked you to head east to Uflûmp-mur to find an ancient shield, so that he may learn what untold legends it holds.

  • Find the ancient shield in Uflûmp-mur

The Door to the Clouds is just west of Uflûmp-mur, at the entrance to Zirakzigil in Durin's Way.

You have found the ancient shield, and should return it to Listein for safe-keeping.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442349


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 90 copper coin
5900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
5900 legendary xp icon

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