Message to Zirakzigil

Líkmund has given you a message to bring to Listein at the Door to the Clouds, the entrance to Zirakzigil in Durin's Way.

'Durin's Way is home to precious few of the artifacts of our ancestors, many of which have been lost or destroyed by the goblins.

'Listein has been searching for these artifacts throughout Durin's Way, in the hopes of preserving the history of our craft. Take this message to him. It reveals the last known location of such an artifact, and I'm sure he will be thankful for it.'

Listein can be found at the Door to the Clouds, the entrance to Zirakzigil in Durin's Way.

Líkmund has asked you to take a message to Listein that may contain information on the location of a lost artifact in Moria.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442349


0 gold coin 25 silver coin 90 copper coin
5900 xp icon
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5900 legendary xp icon

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