Doron, leader of the Oathbreakers in Parth Celebrant, has decided to tell you how he and his men came to be cursed. As he speaks, you find yourself drawn into a daydream, experiencing the tale alongside Doron and his men.
Doron is stationed outside of Ost Celebrant, after having patrolled the road down to the Limlight with his men.
Doron is stationed outside of Ost Celebrant. You should follow him as he tells his tale.
Having survived an Easterling assault, Doron is entering Ost Celebrant, where he hopes to reunite with the rest of his men.
Doron is inside Ost Celebrant with his men. You should listen as he continues his tale.
Having heard the roar of an approaching force, Doron and his men have decided to cross the bridge of Ost Celebrant and confront the invaders.