A Threat Unseen

Cabed has sent you to investigate the outskirts of Ost Celebrant near the Rushgore where he believes that an unknown force passed through before entering the ruin.

'In my time, I have seen many arrive and depart the Field of Celebrant, but there is one who has not yet left.

'He crept into the Field among the fog of the Rushgore and hid within the ruins of Ost Celebrant. I know not who this man is, nor what his purpose in Ost Celebrant can be. However, I fear that no good can come of his presence here.

'Search the outside of Ost Celebrant near the Rushgore, perhaps this wanderer left some clue to his origin.'

Cabed has sent you to track down a mysterious invader's trail. The trail ends at the bridge to Ost Celebrant, but Cabed is unsure where it begins.

  • Find the wanderer's trail outside Ost Celebrant

Cabed has sent you to track down a mysterious invader's trail. The trail ends at the bridge to Ost Celebrant, but Cabed is unsure where it begins.

  • Examine the boot-print

Cabed has sent you to track down a mysterious invader's trail. The trail ends at the bridge to Ost Celebrant, but Cabed is unsure where it begins.

  • Follow the trail of boot-prints

Cabed has sent you to track down a mysterious invader's trail. The trail ends at the bridge to Ost Celebrant, but Cabed is unsure where it begins.

  • Follow the trail of boot-prints

Cabed has sent you to track down a mysterious invader's trail. The trail ends at the bridge to Ost Celebrant, but Cabed is unsure where it begins.

  • Follow the trail of boot-prints

You should examine the glint you saw in the distance.

  • Examine the glint in the distance

Cabed is atop a small hill along the southern road in Parth Celebrant.

You should bring the twisted blade to Cabed.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447390


0 gold coin 32 silver coin 90 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon

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