Burning It Down

Medwine wants you to deal a final blow against the brigands of Parth Celebrant.

'I have one last task for you, ${PLAYER}.

'Even with the assault we have levied against these Men, they remain entrenched, and we cannot drive them out completely.

'Perhaps if their torches were used against them, we would be able to run them off our land for good. Travel south to their camp and burn them out.'

The brigand-camp is to the south of Idmar's camp along the banks of the Limlight River.

Medwine has asked you to burn down the brigand-camp.

  • Burn Lanferth's tent
  • The brigand-camp is to the south of Idmar's camp along the banks of the Limlight River. Medwine has asked you to burn down the brigand-camp.

Medwine is at Idmar's camp in central Parth Celebrant.

You should return to Medwine wih news of your success.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447390


0 gold coin 52 silver coin 64 copper coin
16100 xp icon
Legendary XP:
16100 legendary xp icon
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