Not a Weapon to Spare

After a brief skirmish with the Orcs, the poorly-equipped hunting party of Thinglad wishes to recover their dropped arms.

'We must prepare to leave, I know. Our weapons are now scattered throughout this wood after the skirmish...but did you see her when she fought, ${PLAYER}? Did you see how deft her blade-work, and the way her hair shone like gold? She was lovely....

'Hm? Oh, yes, the weapons! Will you help me gather them? Our supplies are scarce, and we must make ready to depart.'

Spears and arrows loosed in the battle can be found near the Orc battle-site in Thinglad.

You should collect the fallen weapons for Wynmar to expedite the departure of his hunting party from Lórien territory.

  • Collect spears (0/6)

Wynmar is at his camp in the north-west of Thinglad.

You should bring the weapons you collected to Wynmar.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268447390


0 gold coin 31 silver coin 85 copper coin
13900 xp icon
Legendary XP:
13900 legendary xp icon

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