Pond, or Thief?

Goldie Tunnelly seems to have dropped everything she owned into the pond while she was fishing.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

'Help! I've been robbed! That pond is a thief, and it has taken everything I own throughout the course of the day.

'If you're useful at all, you'll thrash that pond until it gives back everything I dropped in!'

Goldie Tunnelly's lost goods have been dropped into the Fishing Hole in Bywater. She suspects that the pond robbed her.

You should try to fish up Goldie's lost goods so that she abandons her strange notion that she has been robbed by a small body of water.

  • Catch Goldie's lost tea-cup

Goldie Tunnelly is near the Pond in Bywater.

You should return to Goldie Tunnelly and give her all the goods you wrangled fromt he Pond.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437678


344000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
344000 legendary xp icon

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